One more reason to switch to ArcGIS Pro. Python 2.7 is set to retire in just over 1 year, and will not be maintained past 2020, watch the count down here.
The next step? ArcGIS Pro with ArcPy.
What is ArcPy, you ask? ArcPy is the Python package associated with ArcGIS Pro, built to run GIS tools via python scripting. ArcPy can be used to run data analysis, data conversion, map automation, and so much more.

New to Python?
You’ll find these tutorials helpful when learning to use Python to its fullest potential.
Remember that Python 2 will not be updated further, as it will soon no longer be supported. So stay ahead of the curve and start getting familiar with all that ArcPy has to offer!
Need Support?
Want to find out more? Learn more about ArcPy and ArcGIS Pro from our GeoMarvel experts by contacting today!