Crowdsource Polling is a web application template allowing people to give feedback and submit comments on existing plans, proposals, and events. This application has been designed for easy use on mobile phones, tablets, and computers.

Easily configured with ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS Enterprise, this web application is always available, without any downloading requirements.
Plans and proposals are shown within a map design, allowing public interaction with the details outlined for a given area. Community users can comment and vote on the importance of a plan, proposal, or event, with simple authentication from a social media account like Facebook, Google+, or Twitter.
Each map comes with attached documentation, and a list of features containing all details for each proposal, plan, or event. Putting all the details front and center, creates straightforward information sharing, leading to more community engagement.
Configurable Crowdsource Polling
- Custom title, logo, and color schemes
- Choose which layers can receive community feedback
- Custom instructions, contact information, and credits
Check Out These Crowdsource Polling Use Cases

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