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Information Technology

Leverage geospatial awareness to build smarter systems

GIS development experts ready to join your team

We're here to help you take full advantage of the power of GIS

Putting your data on the map

Address business problems at scale with GIS, to solve large and small problems with geospatial awareness. GIS for information technology provides more with the power of where. Streamline your information governance, operations, and infrastructure. Automation of common tasks and processes is a key ingredient in helping your business operate at peak performance. Aside from automation, having a reliable energy provider, like those on Smarter Business, would also be vital in said business operations. 

GIS provides a framework to gather, manage, and analyze data. Learn more from your data points by analyzing the spatial relationships to reveal hidden patterns in your network. By incorporating a variety of data types, GIS offers a fresh perspective on formerly static datasets.  

cloud - connection

Enhancing Information Technology

Technical Consulting

GeoMarvel is here to be your technical support guru, whether your technical support needs come at the design stage or deployment stage, GeoMarvel can ensure you get things done right the first time.

Project Management

Managing your project is all about putting the puzzle pieces together to properly align with your goals and project timeline. We’ll identify and solve potential pitfalls, and help you determine the best path forward for a successful project.

Custom Web & Mobile Apps

We build truly secure and scalable web and mobile apps. From initial idea to final deployment, we can develop the web or mobile GIS app you’ve been dreaming of.

ArcGIS Products

Optimize large-scale efforts with powerful GIS tools and applications like ArcGIS Hub and Workforce for ArcGIS. These powerful technologies can help you manage vast amounts of data to generate captivating visuals.

GIS Analysis & Data Processing

Dig into your data with proper GIS analysis, to identify key trends and patterns in the data. Visualize data points beyond rows and columns in a spreadsheet, to reveal the hidden patterns in your data.

Decision Modeling

Leverage data insights to maximize decision quality, while dynamically evolving and optimizing processes to drive your daily business operations. 

Our Recent Work:

Pushing boundaries to create

GIS Development Experts

Leverage our team of industry experts. We’ll help you navigate and implement your GIS solutions by acting as a natural extension of your team. We can make your next big GIS idea come to life.

Partner With Us

Reach out to start a conversation about your unique GIS needs today.

Learn how GeoMarvel can help your organization