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Team Spotlight | Keith Ornbaum

We’re pleased to announce the addition of Keith Ornbaum to our team! Keith will be working as an Enterprise Solutions Engineer, where he will lend his talents to support clients through his knowledge and expertise in the ArcGIS Field.
Now let’s get to know Keith a little better with another great Q&A!

What is your role at GeoMarvel?

Solution Engineer at GeoMarvel, helping clients solve problems using GIS, designing Enterprise solutions, and implementing & maintaining the latest technology that ArcGIS Enterprise has to offer.

Describe your education and professional background.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with over 14 years of GIS experience primarily in the mining industry.

Tell us about the most interesting job you've had?

I have had the opportunity to support one of the largest gold-producing trends in the world. 

How do you like to spend your free time?

I spend most of my time with my 3 sons and my wife coaching youth football, wrestling, & baseball. When I am not on the field or in a gym, we enjoy camping, fishing, spending time with our dogs, barbequing, and smoking food with friends and family. I also spend a lot of my time learning new skills and using open-source software.

If you could travel anywhere in the world: Where would you go and why?

I would travel to the Philippines to eat the food, through Europe to travel the canals & rivers, Italy to see the Duomo di Milano, China to visit Shenzhen, & I would love to fish every national park in the US.

Favorite activity/sport?

My favorite sports Boxing, Football, Archery, Strongman, Fishing, and I enjoy spending time with my family.

Favorite movie?

I enjoy watching action movies.

What random facts can you share about yourself?

I enjoy barbecuing and smoking meat, but I do not eat much meat.

What excites you about joining the GeoMarvel team?

Working with a team as knowledgeable and skilled as GeoMarvel, who is at the forefront of GIS technology is exciting because I get the opportunity to learn from the best and be a part of something that may influence the direction of GIS technology. Having the opportunity to learn new skills and help others solve problems using GIS is very exciting!

We’re excited to welcome Keith to the GeoMarvel team and look forward to working with you to help push GIS forward!