Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) is a powerful tool allowing you to configure fully featured HTML apps, and create custom themes and widgets for those apps. Get started with the easy installation and set up. Build your first app, and build custom tailored widgets that extend your app functionality.

The Key Features
- Create HTML/Javascript apps for desktop, tablets, and smartphones.
- Integrate with ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise
- Build apps from prebuilt widgets including Query, Geoprocessing, and Print
- Build custom app templates
- Extendable framework for developers to create themes and widgets
Accessing the workflow tabs
Design the look and feel of your app with your template framework. Personalize your content with a collection of panels, styles, layouts, and widgets.

Map and Scene
The app you create with Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS is based on an existing web map or web scene in ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS. Build a 2D app from a web map, or build a 3D app from a web scene.
Configure your app’s functionality with the widget tab. Choose between off-panel and in-panel widgets, depending on your theme and preferences.

Customize your app basics such as your banner, state, and added data sources (Layer and Statistics). Brand your app with a logo, title, subtitle, and links to the banner.
Urban Heat Risk Explorer with Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS
Using Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, The Trust for Public Land has built an app that outlines a variety of heat risk factors for six cities across the United States. This interactive web app displays urban heat island hotspots, to bring to light the importance of these issues.
Hotter daytime temperatures impact these cities and the people that live in them. As the urban heat island effect occurs, peak summertime energy demands rise. Leading to higher air conditioning costs, more air pollution, and a higher rate of greenhouse gas emissions. All of this extra energy consumption has important climate change impacts, and must be brought to our attention.
By creating an app with Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, important information can be displayed and shared with the public. In this instance, an app has been created in hopes of sharing critical urban heat island information with the public as a cause for change.

Tell Your Data Story
Create beautiful maps that let your data speak for itself using Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. Contact us to strategize with our GIS professionals today.