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ZephAir Mobile Application | 2024 Updates

GeoMarvel partnered with the US Department of State’s Greening Council and Greening Diplomacy Initiative (GDI) to develop ZephAir, a mobile application (available on Google Play and the App Store) that provides users with hourly data and alerts for local Air Quality (AQI).

Green Diplomacy Initiative

The Greening Diplomacy Initiative (GDI) within the Department of State’s Office of Management Strategy and Solutions (M/SS) spearheaded the app’s development, with contributions from the Air Pollution Working Group and support from the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs (SCA).

The GDI is a U.S. Department of State program designed to enhance the environmental performance & sustainability of the Department’s operations and facilities. The initiative focuses on reducing the Department’s carbon footprint, improving energy efficiency, and integrating sustainable practices into diplomatic operations. Key aspects of the GDI include implementing green building standards, promoting the use of renewable energy, and advancing sustainability in both domestic and international diplomatic missions. The initiative aims to support broader environmental goals and foster a culture of sustainability within the Department.



ZephAir, the Department of State’s inaugural air quality mobile app delivers air quality data and health information directly to users from monitors installed at over 60 U.S. embassies and consulates around the world. With over 42,000 downloads, ZephAir provides the public with standardized, reliable, & actionable data to help safeguard their health. It features customizable options such as push notifications and location preferences. The app offers real-time data and trends, enabling users to plan outdoor activities and minimize exposure more effectively.

The year of ZephAir‘s launch, 2020, marked the fiftieth anniversary of the Clean Air Act of 1970. Named after Zephyros, the Greek god of the west wind, the app utilizes decades of expertise from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in air quality monitoring and the effects of air pollution. It is also debuting as peak air pollution season approaches in many regions, ensuring that people have access to crucial air quality information when it is most needed.

Our team has continued to work diligently on enhancements, harnessing the best-in-class ArcGIS technology available, and is proud to highlight some of our 2024 updates for ZephAir.

New Sign-On Capabilities

  • As of 2024, the ZephAir application provides updated sign-on capabilities

Updated User Interface

  • Visually enhanced dashboard
  • Enhanced site clustering when using zoom functionality for improved readability
  • Improved Compare Location functionality


  • NASA tag indicates non-US monitor but has AQI forecast data

Additional Profile Settings

  • Users can now toggle time zones, receive push notifications, toggle Fahrenheit/Celsius, indicate if they consider themselves part of the general population or sensitive groups, and delete their account if they wish.

New Learn Pages

The Department of State regularly updates these information sections and now has one dedicated to the NASA Air Quality Index Forecast.

Get Professional Support

Does your organization need help bringing your mobile or web application to life? Look no further than GeoMarvel! Our team of industry experts are here to assist you every step of the way. Don’t hesitate to contact us to discover how GeoMarvel can elevate your organization to new heights!