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Integrating Angular Ionic Applications with ArcGIS

Integrating Angular Ionic Applications with ArcGIS

In our latest installment of GeoMarvel Live!, Sean demonstrates how to create a simple Angular Ionic application, and how to incorporate ArcGIS web map and features into the application. Before diving in, let’s highlight the key technologies being used in this tutorial.

What is Angular?

Angular is one of the most popular open-source, JavaScript frameworks. This component-based framework was developed and is maintained by Google, with the primary purpose of developing single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. It implements multiple functionalities as a set of TypeScript libraries that can be imported into user applications. Angular allows users to take advantage of a platform that can scale from single-developer projects to enterprise-level applications.

What is the Ionic framework?

Ionic is an open-sourced mobile UI toolkit, which allows users to create high quality, cross platform native web application experiences. Ionic allows users to develop mobile applications and websites that leverage web technologies such as HTML, CSS and Javascript. With Ionic, applications are built with a heavy focus on the user experience and interface. With easy to learn, built-in components, and compatibility with everything from Android to iOS, it’s not surprising that Ionic is becoming one of the most popular platforms amongst developers.

How to get started

To create your very own Ionic Application using Angular, the first thing you have to do is download and install the required tools. For full documentation and code for these downloads visit the Ionic Framework website. Follow along with our video tutorial as Sean demonstrates how to get started with a simple Ionic Angular application that integrates with ArcGIS.

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