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Team Spotlight | Sean Spiesman

We’re pleased to announce the addition of Sean Spiesman to our team! Sean will be working as an Application Developer, and will lend his talents to the developer team here at GeoMarvel.
Now let’s get to know Sean a little better with another great Q&A!

What is your role at GeoMarvel?

Application Developer – Contributing to maintaining the software development lifecycle of many different applications.

Describe your education and professional background.

I have a BA in Criminology. After working as a carpenter and then as a Child Support Officer, I realized the utility of software development and made the career shift. After attending Hack Reactor, I ended up building a few websites for different clients, while pursuing a full-time opportunity. I am the most proficient in JavaScript, specifically Node.js and React, but would love to learn about incorporating more technologies into my knowledge base.

What random facts can you share about yourself?

Since CV-19 started, we have both been home more and decided to help our local animal shelter by fostering special needs cats.

If you could travel anywhere in the world: Where would you go and why?

Maui, my girlfriend’s family are native Hawaiians. Last time we visited we were only there for a week so we still have a lot to do.

How do you like to spend your free time?

I am an avid cyclist and tennis player. I used to compete in professional races, however, after a few crashes, I am less inclined to anymore. I also enjoy helping friends develop websites of their own and offering guidance. Family is one of the most important things to me and I love spending time with my girlfriend and our animals.

Tell us about the most unique/interesting job you've had

One of the more exciting jobs I’ve had was when I was an independent contractor. The company I worked for was building a million-dollar house at the time and was able to use a multitude of skills that I had accumulated over the years. I helped the electrician spread wire and outlets throughout the house, assisted the plumber and landscapers in proper water distribution, and got to work with an ARC welder to create structural welds as well as landscaping partitions. If you have queries about plumbing issues and concerns, you can try this out to see services that you might need. It is highly advisable to get a licensed plumber involved for such tasks.

Favorite sport/activity?

Cycling and Tennis

Favorite Movie?

The Dark Knight

What excites you about joining the GeoMarvel team?

I am excited to join the GeoMarvel team because of the versatility of the projects I will be contributing to. Being able to interact with the entire company on a daily basis really motivates me, whereas a larger company would stick me in the back of a cubicle somewhere. My mom has also been using GIS mapping systems for many years and it will be exciting to work on the other end as a developer.

We’re excited to welcome Sean to the GeoMarvel team. We’re eager to collaborate with you and harness your expertise to propel GIS towards greater heights! Together we can achieve remarkable feats and make significant strides towards advancing the GIS landscape.